

The Fish Call, The Sharks RaiseIn Limit and even No-Limit games, you'll see a lot of "Raise, Call, Call, and Call" going on. Occasionally you'll want to limp in on hands, but don't make a habit of it because:在限注甚至不限注游戏中,你总能碰到许多“加注,跟注”的情形。你可以这样跟进去一次两次,但是不要养成习惯。因为:
·Calling shows weakness·The raiser controls the hand·跟注显示软弱·加注者控制局面
If you have a good hand you need to be in there raising. Otherwise, when you call and hit a draw it will be very easy to spot. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule: You wouldn't raise a pot with jacks if there have already been two pre-flop raisers, and you wouldn't want to bet your draws with more than a couple people in the pot.如果手中有好牌你就应该加注。否则,在你跟注又中出大牌后别人很容易看穿你。当然也有例外:如果在Pre-flop时已经有两个人加注,你手拿JJ就不应该再加注;如果一手中有两个以上的人留下来,你就不应该为你未中出的大牌下注。
·Calling Shows Weakness·跟注显示软弱
Any good player knows that, in No-Limit, anyone who calls constantly is a fish saying "Hit me with your best shot." Calling hands will just get you in trouble most of the time. If the hand isn't good enough to raise, it's not good enough to play in the first place.玩得不错的人都知道,在不限注游戏中总是跟注的人一定是一条鱼。跟注在大多数时候会给你带来麻烦。如果你手中的牌没有好到可以加注,那么你就不应该在靠前的位置玩这样的牌。
Another hazard of calling is that most good players will bet you out of pots you should have won simply because you called pre-flop. When you raise pre-flop you show strength and most players will fold to your bets if they missed the flop.跟注的另外一个害处是,多数好手会下注将你吓跑,而实际上你有可能赢得这一局。如果你在Pre-flop时加注,说明你的牌力很强,所以只要你在Flop下注,多数没有中得好牌的人都会Fold。德·The Raiser Controls the Hand·加注者控制局面When you raise a hand you show dominance by revealing your serious intentions to your opponents. If they miss the flop, you'll take no prisoners. This is true for any type of poker game, but more so for No-Limit. In Limit it's harder to bet people out of pots since the big bet is always small and constant. 加注会让对手感到你在控制局势。如果他们在Flop时没中出好牌,你就势不可挡了。这对任何类型的游戏都适用,尤其是不限注的。在限注的游戏中,你很难把别人吓跑,因为最大的注码也很小而且还是固定的。
After raising any hand, I almost always bet the flop as long as there are less than three people in the pot. I've already showed strength pre-flop so even if they hit the flop they must play very carefully. Most of the time your opponent won't hit strongly enough to call your raise on the flop.7f;`加注之后,只要留下来的人少于3个,我通常会在Flop时下注。因为在Preflop时我已经显示了牌力,所以他们肯定很谨慎,大多数时候他们在Flop时的牌是不足以跟你的Raise的。
Here's a good example of why sharks raise pre-flop:Two people limp in pre-flop and you raise with Ace-King. You totally miss the flop and a player who limped and then called your raise has 8-8. The flop comes J-Q-5 and you bet out. He immediately folds even though he had the winning hand.举个例子:你手拿AK在Preflop加注,有两个人跟进,其中一个人手中有8-8。Flop来了J-Q-5,你完全没牌,但是如果你下注,他多半会立刻盖牌,虽然实际上他会赢得这一局。Be the raiser, not the caller.一定要加注,不要跟注。

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